@2 1/2 hours at 1 Utama@
Ok,,,since I am on leave for one week. So I take this opportunity to bring my kids to 1 utama..Not for shopping..but just want to spent time with them...there so many props (Christmas eve) at main stage new wing...after that we went to MPH- of course...it's reading time...no many people in MPH since it's not weekend or public holiday...After 2 1/2 we went back home..before that we drop by at one stall in TTDI and have our lunch there...we really have fun ..gratias..
@2 1/2 hours at 1 Utama@
Reviewed by AyuArjuna BiGoshh
December 10, 2008

Salam madam, macam mane budak2 lain dpt mrkah tinggi.. Dan kebanyakannye diorng yang btul2 saye pasti, pasti.. Saye startin level 6 pun x hebat cam2 sgt english.. Tolong reconsider balik mdm, coz ktorang penat2 buat ayat dan x copy and paste.. Maafkan saye tp saye tak boleh bagitau sape diorg to coz xnak khianat.. Tolong check up balik mane2 blog yang english die terover power 2.. dan madam blum check saye punye lagi.. Tq madam..
ReplyDeleteok...i will review back...thanks for the info