So we went to this Kopitiam yesterday..somewhere at Uptown Damansara jaya..not many customers can be seen in this Kopitiam..

view from outside...

Yana..in action..."kesabaran" waiting for the foods..

Lycee Ice (RM3.90), Kemaman Hot coffee-the best coffee I ever tried so far (RM2.00), Milo Ice (RM3) anf plain water (FOC)

Nasi dagang Kopitian (RM3.80) - cannot challenge my mother-in law Nasi Dagang!..Her nasi dagang still the best so far..

Set Keropok Lekor (RM3.50)..not satisfy with the taste..(tak sedap la esp the sos)

kemaman mee siam (RM3.00)- tak sedaaappp...

Curry Laksa (RM5.90)..my hubby said sedap..(ntah ia ke tak..bcoz he is so hungry at that time..haha)

NAsi lemak curry ayam (RM4)...okla..standard nasi lemak but the curry it taste like "masam"..either over asam jawa/keping or "nasi basi"...haiya..(teruknya la customer ni)

Afiq..see his "gold" teeth...I love to see his face..esp when we asked him..gigi fifiq..so he will give this kind of smile..hahaha
So..total overall we have to paid RM37.70 included with 1 glass "pecah barai" (my hubby accidentally "tertolak" what ever)..it cost us RM8.00 (I think that glass import from Kemaman..ahaks)..Overall..okla..as my hubby said..it's kopitiam so we should try their coffee or "roti bakar" n then we can compare with other Kopitiam..huishh takkan nak pekena roti bakar kot tengah hari..I perut org melayu la dad!
ok for info bersama... mula2 ingatkan ini branch "Kemaman Kopitiam" kat Kemaman nun so i pun tanya2 la 'taukeh soh' (lepas pecahkan gelas dia hahaha)... rupa2nya bukan tapi dia cakap dia memang orang sana, membesar kat sana & taukeh kedai kopitiam kat bandor Kemaman tu classmate dia... aiseh2, Kemaman Kopitiam tu memang famous kat sana & i pernah pergi dua tiga kali masa ada kerja kat 'Ganu Kiter'... selalu full with pelanggan beb :)