‘Hancock: A different kind of superhero’

i) Who plays the eponymous character in the movie Hancock?
Will Smith
Will Smith
ii) Fill in the blanks: In a bid to save a whale, Hancock heaves it out to sea, only to see it smash a sailboat
H - Hancock the superhero with good intentions but bad PR skills and even poorer hygiene. He cannot resist helping anyone in need, but much to the annoyance of the residents of Los Angeles, he does more harm than good. His rescues end up costing the city millions of dollars in damages.
A - A superhuman powers, including supersonic flight, invulnerability, immortality, and super-strength
N - Nobody cares about him! Except Ray...
C -complex embroidery of comedy, the supernatural, and the human condition.
O -Outstanding performance especially Smith as Hancock...I like more Smith in I am the Legend
C -Characters like Ray and Mary support the whole story of Hancock...Casting Smith was a brilliant move as his hits far outweigh his bombs.
K - Know, survey and went to watch Hancock...ha ha
‘Hancock: A different kind of superhero’
Reviewed by AyuArjuna BiGoshh
June 23, 2009

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